Tuesday, May 17, 2016

An Introduction To Fossils And Minerals (Jon Erickson. 1948)


No other aspect of geology is as popular with the public as the occurrence of fossils and minerals in earth materials. Countless geologists have been attracted to this discipline because at an early age they discovered the wonder and beauty of such treasures as dinosaurs and precious gems. Jon Erickson has woven a revealing story of the uniqueness of fossils and minerals in the natural world. Indeed this attractive book provides an important source of information for those people who are interested about the world in which they live.This introduction to fossils and minerals admirably fulfills such an objective.

When the reader goes beyond the somewhat bewildering names of fossils, there can be ample reward discovering their importance in helping decipherthe mysteries of rock formations and their development throughout time. In a somewhat different way knowledge about minerals also opens a window to their importance. These relationships, and the manner in which they have interacted throughout geological history, are explored in the book’s 10 chapters. The author traces Earth’s development during the millennia of geologic time (more than 4 billion years) and shows how a knowledge of fossils and minerals is crucial for unraveling this saga.

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